[mitk-users] [Simulation plugin] latest version of Sofa
Camille Krewcun
2017-01-20 10:41:11 UTC
Hello everyone,

I'd be interested in using the simulation plugin of MITK with the current release version of Sofa (16.08 at the moment).

More precisely, I'm trying to compile MITK with pre-compiled sofa (16.08) sources which I manually downloaded and compiled. This seems to require investigation, as Sofa current release sources experienced some important changes compared with the version automatically downloaded by MITK superbuild.

I'm wondering if something has already been done in this way, and if no, if it would be possible to contribute ?

Best regards,

Dinkelacker, Stefan
2017-01-23 23:46:43 UTC

the SOFA plugin currently isn't in active use by us and hence it wasn't updated for some time. We're always happy for contributions. However, depending on how much they changed in their build system, this might be a non-trivial and tricky project. We always ensured that MITK simulation compiles with all of our supported platforms, which is more than SOFA itself supports/supported (and we would still require MITK simulation to do so in the future). So there are patches for the build system of SOFA that we apply in the superbuild for this purpose. Also the integration itself has to be reviewed carefully if there were fundamental changes in SOFA. Another thing that we patched into the SOFA build was the better integration of common third-party toolkits, so for example, MITK and SOFA link against the same third-party toolkits. If you can ensure that this will continue to work on all of our supported platforms, we would be really happy for a contribution.

I'll see if I can spend a day in near future to look into the issue as I also would like to upgrade to SOFA 16.12, but I can't promise anything at his state, sorry.


From: Camille Krewcun [mailto:***@orange.fr]
Sent: Freitag, 20. Januar 2017 11:41
To: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [mitk-users] [Simulation plugin] latest version of Sofa

Hello everyone,

I'd be interested in using the simulation plugin of MITK with the current release version of Sofa (16.08 at the moment).

More precisely, I'm trying to compile MITK with pre-compiled sofa (16.08) sources which I manually downloaded and compiled. This seems to require investigation, as Sofa current release sources experienced some important changes compared with the version automatically downloaded by MITK superbuild.

I'm wondering if something has already been done in this way, and if no, if it would be possible to contribute ?

Best regards,
Camille Krewcun
2017-01-25 10:08:31 UTC

Thanks for your answer!

I've been working on this issue, and it seems to me that there actually were fundamental changes in Sofa between the two versions, especially concerning the simulation initialisation. I'm new to to both SOFA and MITK sources, but the integration could, indeed, be a non-trivial project.
However I think that most of the integration methods you used for the former version of SOFA are still efficient.

As for the rest of your message, I understand that any contribution has to be compatible with both the supported platforms and the current patches related to SOFA. Unfortunately I'm not sure I will be able to match these requirements (especially concerning the supported platforms), but I'd be happy to share on the issue if I'm able to make any progress.

Concerning the currently supported version of SOFA, did the patches you made directly affect the SOFA sources, or are they only related to the build process? I wasn't able to find this SOFA version sources elsewhere than in the MITK deposit for third-party sources (to be able to compare).



----- Original Message -----

From: "Stefan Dinkelacker" <***@dkfz-heidelberg.de>
To: "Camille Krewcun" <***@orange.fr>, mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Mardi 24 Janvier 2017 00:46:43
Subject: AW: [mitk-users] [Simulation plugin] latest version of Sofa


the SOFA plugin currently isn't in active use by us and hence it wasn't updated for some time. We're always happy for contributions. However, depending on how much they changed in their build system, this might be a non-trivial and tricky project. We always ensured that MITK simulation compiles with all of our supported platforms, which is more than SOFA itself supports/supported (and we would still require MITK simulation to do so in the future). So there are patches for the build system of SOFA that we apply in the superbuild for this purpose. Also the integration itself has to be reviewed carefully if there were fundamental changes in SOFA. Another thing that we patched into the SOFA build was the better integration of common third-party toolkits, so for example, MITK and SOFA link against the same third-party toolkits. If you can ensure that this will continue to work on all of our supported platforms, we would be really happy for a contribution.

I'll see if I can spend a day in near future to look into the issue as I also would like to upgrade to SOFA 16.12, but I can't promise anything at his state, sorry.


From: Camille Krewcun [mailto:***@orange.fr]
Sent: Freitag, 20. Januar 2017 11:41
To: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [mitk-users] [Simulation plugin] latest version of Sofa

Hello everyone,

I'd be interested in using the simulation plugin of MITK with the current release version of Sofa (16.08 at the moment).

More precisely, I'm trying to compile MITK with pre-compiled sofa (16.08) sources which I manually downloaded and compiled. This seems to require investigation, as Sofa current release sources experienced some important changes compared with the version automatically downloaded by MITK superbuild.

I'm wondering if something has already been done in this way, and if no, if it would be possible to contribute ?

Best regards,