[mitk-users] Change priority of IO Services at rumtime
Floca, Ralf Omar
2017-04-13 19:59:57 UTC

I have a question, regarding the IO micro services.

Using mitk:IOutil in a command line app to load dicom data utilizes the legacy DicomSeriesReader, because it is the first suitable service option sorted by name and wie have No selection dialog like in the workbench.

I would like to use the new service implementation instead.

What would be the best strategy to control/change it at rumtime from the mitk::IOUtil using cli app?

Best regards,
Ralf Floca
Goch, Caspar Jonas
2017-04-18 14:59:51 UTC
Hi Ralf,

you can go via FileReaderRegistry, so instead of using:

std::vector<mitk::BaseData::Pointer> networkFile =
mitk::IOUtil::Load( networkName);

you could use:

mitk::FileReaderRegistry fileReaderRegistry;
std::vector<mitk::IFileReader*> readerVector = fileReaderRegistry.GetReaders(fileReaderRegistry.GetMimeTypeForFile(networkName) );
std::vector<mitk::BaseData::Pointer> networkFile = readerVector[0]->Read();

However I am not aware of an easy way of distinguishing the registered readers, apart from trying to read the file and deciding based on the resulting base datas.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Floca, Ralf Omar [mailto:***@Dkfz-Heidelberg.de]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. April 2017 22:00
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [mitk-users] Change priority of IO Services at rumtime


I have a question, regarding the IO micro services.

Using mitk:IOutil in a command line app to load dicom data utilizes the legacy DicomSeriesReader, because it is the first suitable service option sorted by name and wie have No selection dialog like in the workbench.

I would like to use the new service implementation instead.

What would be the best strategy to control/change it at rumtime from the mitk::IOUtil using cli app?

Best regards,
Ralf Floca
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