[mitk-users] LabelSetImage mapper in 3D
Nil Goyette
2017-05-03 14:16:13 UTC
Hi all,

What can I do to see my segmentation in the 3D mapper?

I searched a little and I can see that there's a
mitkLabelSetImageVtkMapper2D class, without a 3D version, but the same
can be said about mitkImageVtkMapper2D, yet we can see them in 3D. This
makes make understand that we don't need a 3D mapper to see something in
3D. What do we need to do to activate the "replication" of the 2D slices
into 3D?

Nil Goyette
Goch, Caspar Jonas
2017-05-03 16:02:33 UTC
Hi Nil,

there has been some work done on the LabelSetImage 3D rendering issue, but I do not know the current state of the branch:

Hope this helps,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Nil Goyette [mailto:***@imeka.ca]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2017 16:16
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [mitk-users] LabelSetImage mapper in 3D

Hi all,

What can I do to see my segmentation in the 3D mapper?

I searched a little and I can see that there's a mitkLabelSetImageVtkMapper2D class, without a 3D version, but the same can be said about mitkImageVtkMapper2D, yet we can see them in 3D. This makes make understand that we don't need a 3D mapper to see something in 3D. What do we need to do to activate the "replication" of the 2D slices into 3D?

Nil Goyette

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