[mitk-users] Using mitk as a library
Wojciech Lassmann
2017-01-30 17:02:48 UTC
Hi there,
I am a student, and have master's thesis to change set of 2d slices of
brain to 3d model.
Mitk actuallt does this in the example , but I additionaly have to:
- create gui system
- create system for controlling rotatnion (the mouse interaction is
annoying and unsufficient)
- create automated detection of white and grey matter of the brain.

It would be ideal if i could just add mitk conversion algorythms as
libraries, and create the rest in QT creator. But for some reason it cant
do it this way.
Tried the instructions from here but it simply doesnt work

Any tips? i am walking in the dark right now :(
Goch, Caspar Jonas
2017-01-31 10:14:19 UTC
Hi Wojciech,

the documentation you are using is for the last Qt4 release, which has been some years ago. The current documentation can be found here
(however, looking at it, it seems that some of the example files are no longer properly included I entered a task for it here [1])

Do you want to build MITK with or without Qt support?
Without has currently an issue we are working on [2].

Depending on the requirements of your thesis these options might be most straightforward:

1. Use the project template to customize your own BlueBerry based GUI application [3]

2. If you need to go beyond just customization and develop your own BlueBerry application you could take a look at [4]

3. If you intend to create your own application completely independent of BlueBerry this might not be the best forum to ask for advice, instead take a look at some Qt examples [5]

Regarding a better rotation control there have been some efforts made here [6], however while we do have the code in Modules/Gizmo, we do not have an example of it actually being used anywhere.

Hope this helps,

[1] https://phabricator.mitk.org/T22437
[2] https://phabricator.mitk.org/T22427
[3] http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial
[4] http://docs.mitk.org/nightly/BlueBerryExampleMinimalApplication.html
[5] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtexamplesandtutorials.html
[6] https://phabricator.mitk.org/T19489

Von: Wojciech Lassmann [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 18:03
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [mitk-users] Using mitk as a library

Hi there,
I am a student, and have master's thesis to change set of 2d slices of brain to 3d model.
Mitk actuallt does this in the example , but I additionaly have to:
- create gui system
- create system for controlling rotatnion (the mouse interaction is annoying and unsufficient)
- create automated detection of white and grey matter of the brain.
It would be ideal if i could just add mitk conversion algorythms as libraries, and create the rest in QT creator. But for some reason it cant do it this way.
Tried the instructions from here but it simply doesnt work
Any tips? i am walking in the dark right now :(
Wojciech Lassmann
2017-02-02 23:58:37 UTC
Dear Caspar, thank you for your reply.

For my purposes it would be ideal if I could just use minimal application
and fill it with content like, but i have problem.
First i build the superbuild last stable release using qt creator with gcc
4.9 and qt 5.5.
Than using a plugin generator i start a new project unsign superbuild, add
the path to MITK, compile, run.
The full application pops in.
I try to change the "org.mitk.qt.extapplication" in line (application/int
into anything else (for example "org.mycompany.myplugin",
"org.mitk.gui.qt.application"), but when i do, I get

"Application launch failed: Application Exception: No application id has
been found."
Can I change "example application" into minimal application, and than just
add content (from "org.mycompany.myplugin") to it?
Sorry if this question seems gullible, but, i just don't see a way how to
do it in documentation.

and for the 3D controll, mouse seems just insufficient (inconvenient), I
would like to add additional keyboard, gamepad, other hardwere controller,
would this be possible?
Goch, Caspar Jonas
2017-02-03 08:58:03 UTC
Hi Wojcieh,

for creating a new project we recommend the project template[1] instead of the plugin generator.

You should be able to use your own application plugin as PROP_APPLICATION, but you do not need this to add only a plugin to the MITK Workbench[2]
It might be useful to know your intentions regarding a custom application more explicitly to give you better advise.

For interactions check out[3,4,5].


[1] https://github.com/MITK/MITK-ProjectTemplate
[2] http://docs.mitk.org/nightly/NewPluginPage.html
[3] http://docs.mitk.org/nightly/DataInteractionPage.html
[4] https://github.com/MITK/MITK-ProjectTemplate/blob/master/Modules/MyAwesomeLib/resource/Interactions/Paint.xml
[5] https://github.com/MITK/MITK-ProjectTemplate/blob/master/Modules/MyAwesomeLib/src/AwesomeImageInteractor.cpp

Von: Wojciech Lassmann [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Gesendet: Freitag, 3. Februar 2017 00:59
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: Re: [mitk-users] Using mitk as a library

Dear Caspar, thank you for your reply.
For my purposes it would be ideal if I could just use minimal application and fill it with content like, but i have problem.
First i build the superbuild last stable release using qt creator with gcc 4.9 and qt 5.5.
Than using a plugin generator i start a new project unsign superbuild, add the path to MITK, compile, run.
The full application pops in.
I try to change the "org.mitk.qt.extapplication" in line (application/int main):
myApp.setProperty(mitk::BaseApplication::PROP_APPLICATION, "org.mitk.qt.extapplication");
into anything else (for example "org.mycompany.myplugin", "org.mitk.gui.qt.application"), but when i do, I get

"Application launch failed: Application Exception: No application id has been found."
Can I change "example application" into minimal application, and than just add content (from "org.mycompany.myplugin") to it?
Sorry if this question seems gullible, but, i just don't see a way how to do it in documentation.
and for the 3D controll, mouse seems just insufficient (inconvenient), I would like to add additional keyboard, gamepad, other hardwere controller, would this be possible?