[mitk-users] MultiLabelSegmentation plugin: don't show transparent overlay of
Ingmar Wegner
2017-04-03 16:07:42 UTC
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Kalali, Amir
2017-04-04 09:17:20 UTC
Hey Ingmar,

You should be able to set the options “Draw as outline” or “Draw as transparent overlay” in the Preference Page of the MultiLabelSegmentation.
However, it is working slightly different as in the (old) Segmentation plugin:

- the first option draws a colored outline but leaves the segmentation face solid.

- the second options does not draw a colored outline but shows the segmentation face with a certain transparency (transparency / opacity can be changed via the context menu of the selected segmentation in the label widget of the MultiLabelSegmentation-plugin)
Also: It may be, that the preset is set to “draw as transparent overlay” but on initial creation the segmentation is drawn as outline (with a solid face). Changes made in the preferences page are only applied if options have changed. So you might need to set the option to “draw as outline” apply with ok and then set back to “draw as transparent overlay” and apply with ok.
We have to make newly created segmentations respect the current preference of the preference page!

Leaving the face solid with a colored outline (in the first case) is different to the (old) behavior, since we did not finally decide how to represent an active label with multiple (probably visible) non-active labels on the same layer or on different layers (feel free to weigh in at https://phabricator.mitk.org/T22328).

The section which you are looking for should be in the “QmitkMultiLabelSegmentationView.cpp” – here the preferences are read and the opacity is set straight to 1.0f or 0.3f (see line 940). This sets the opacity of the segmentation node which can be changed via the context menu, as stated above).

But: Ignoring the solid face of an (old) segmentation and only drawing the colored outline was done in the “ImageVtkMapper2D”: see line 412 – 442: In the outline case the mapper gets its input data from the outline poly data, in the overlay case the mapper gets the previously created plane as input connection. This could also be done in the “mitkLabelSetImageVtkMapper2D” but as stated above, we did not decide on how to display non-active labels on the same layer and labels on a different layer.


From: Ingmar Wegner [mailto:***@gmx.de]
Sent: Monday, 3 April, 2017 18:08
To: Mitk Users
Subject: [mitk-users] MultiLabelSegmentation plugin: don't show transparent overlay of

Hi MITK-Developers!

Many thanks from our side for the new 2016.11 release as well!

After switching to the new release we are now also using the new MultiLabelSegmentation plugin.
The plugin differs a bit in features that were available in the (old) Segmentaton plugin tough. There you can toggle via preferences the visualization of the segmented region (usually shown in red);
Options are "Draw as outline" or "Draw as transparent overlay".

For correcting a segmentation this was a nice feature but the also present preferences in MultiLabelSegmentation plugin don't work.
So I looked into the mapper for the mitkLabelSetImageVtkMapper2D.
I could find the section where the preference "labelset.contour.active" and played a bit this it.
But I couldn't find the section where the transparent overlay is drawn.

-> Could someone possibly point me to that section?
Then I can check for a fix of the preferences so they act the same way as for the (old) Segmentation plugin.

Many thanks again,
