[mitk-users] Building Examples
Jorge Quiroga
2017-05-16 20:04:39 UTC

I'm trying to do a MITK project and I was trying to start by doing the
tutorial, but after I made the build (and VS showed no errors), I was able
to run the awesome project with the debug file, but when I started trying
to run the examples and the workbench with the debug the didn't open, when
I clicked the .exe of the step01 I got the message that the
vtkfilterstexture-7.0d.dll was missing, and I got that the
CTKPluginFramework.dll was missing when I did the same with the workbench,

I'm not able to find a VSstart file or alike, I did my build in 32 bit with:
Qt 5.6.0 for vs2013 and x86
Visual Studio 2013 update 3
CMake 3.7 default build with the examples.

Here is what the debug file of the step0 had inside:


I have been working on this for a couple days and I don't know how to fix
it, if you need other information tell me,

Thank you very much you all in advance.


Jorge Quiroga.
Dinkelacker, Stefan
2017-05-18 08:12:33 UTC
Hi Jorge,

from the developer tutorial [1]: "If you want to start the AwesomeProject application directly, switch to the AwesomeProject-build\bin directory and use the appropriate batch files there (startAwesomeApp_debug/release.bat)." Hope that helps?


[1] http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_(Microsoft_Windows)<http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_(Microsoft_Windows>

Von: Jorge Quiroga <***@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017 22:04
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [mitk-users] Building Examples


I'm trying to do a MITK project and I was trying to start by doing the tutorial, but after I made the build (and VS showed no errors), I was able to run the awesome project with the debug file, but when I started trying to run the examples and the workbench with the debug the didn't open, when I clicked the .exe of the step01 I got the message that the vtkfilterstexture-7.0d.dll was missing, and I got that the CTKPluginFramework.dll was missing when I did the same with the workbench,

I'm not able to find a VSstart file or alike, I did my build in 32 bit with:
Qt 5.6.0 for vs2013 and x86
Visual Studio 2013 update 3
CMake 3.7 default build with the examples.

Here is what the debug file of the step0 had inside:


I have been working on this for a couple days and I don't know how to fix it, if you need other information tell me,

Thank you very much you all in advance.


Jorge Quiroga.

[Loading Image...
Dinkelacker, Stefan
2017-05-18 09:03:07 UTC
I see, I created a task for the issue [1]. Meanwhile you could try to copy the batch file from the AwesomeProject and edit it accordingly to start the examples.


From: Jorge Quiroga [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Donnerstag, 18. Mai 2017 10:45
To: Dinkelacker, Stefan
Subject: Re: [mitk-users] Building Examples

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for your response!

I was able to run the Awesome Project that way, what I'm not able to run are the examples, there's no StartVS file, and the release.bat of the examples doesn't runs the program and using the .exe directly keeps telling me that vtkfilterstexture-7.0d.dl is missing,

Best Regards,

[Loading Image...

2017-05-18 10:12 GMT+02:00 Dinkelacker, Stefan <***@dkfz-heidelberg.de<mailto:***@dkfz-heidelberg.de>>:

Hi Jorge,

from the developer tutorial [1]: "If you want to start the AwesomeProject application directly, switch to the AwesomeProject-build\bin directory and use the appropriate batch files there (startAwesomeApp_debug/release.bat)." Hope that helps?


[1] http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_(Microsoft_Windows)<http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_(Microsoft_Windows>

Von: Jorge Quiroga <***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017 22:04
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net<mailto:mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net>
Betreff: [mitk-users] Building Examples


I'm trying to do a MITK project and I was trying to start by doing the tutorial, but after I made the build (and VS showed no errors), I was able to run the awesome project with the debug file, but when I started trying to run the examples and the workbench with the debug the didn't open, when I clicked the .exe of the step01 I got the message that the vtkfilterstexture-7.0d.dll was missing, and I got that the CTKPluginFramework.dll was missing when I did the same with the workbench,

I'm not able to find a VSstart file or alike, I did my build in 32 bit with:
Qt 5.6.0 for vs2013 and x86
Visual Studio 2013 update 3
CMake 3.7 default build with the examples.

Here is what the debug file of the step0 had inside:


I have been working on this for a couple days and I don't know how to fix it, if you need other information tell me,

Thank you very much you all in advance.


Jorge Quiroga.

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