Ok, thank you very much. I will create our own welcome screen.
Yes, I would like to change the standard set of plugins: add some of the
ones that already exists but also add plugins created by ourselves.
When adding a plugin created by ourselves I got an error. Maybe I am not
adding the plugin in the proper way: I copied my plugin (named:
"edu.upf.group.pluginname") source code in the
/MITK-ProjectTemplate/Plugins folder and I added the line
"Plugins/edu.upf.group.pluginname:ON" in the Plugins.cmake file of that
folder. Then I try to build the MITK-ProjectTemplate again and I get the
following error:
*The following plug-ins are using invalid symbolic names*
Refering to the edu.upf.group.pluginname.
Te fact that it has a different name than "my.awesomeproject" souldn't
affect the integration of a plugin, isn't it?
Could you confirm me that I am correctly adding the plugin? and if it is
OK, why might I get that error?
Thank you very much in advance!
2017-05-16 15:35 GMT+02:00 Dinkelacker, Stefan <
> Yes, if you really want to have your own welcome screen you would have to
> create it. The DiffusionImagingApp is a good example as it does all of the
> things you want to do. You would need to create your own app/plugin but
> could use DiffusionIMagingApp to see what is necessary. I would recommend
> to start with something more easy. What do you want to do with MITK? Is it
> just the standard set of plugins you want to change? â In that case all you
> need to do is switch them on/off in CMake. Do you want to add your own
> plugins? â See the awesome plugin/module examples in the
> MITK-ProjectTemplate.
> Best,
> Stefan
> http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/designer-using-a-ui-file.html
> *From:* LOPEZ VELAZCO, ROCIO [mailto:***@upf.edu]
> *Sent:* Dienstag, 16. Mai 2017 14:18
> *To:* Dinkelacker, Stefan
> *Cc:* mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* Re: [mitk-users] Customize Project
> Hello,
> Thank you for your fast answer. I was successful about running my app from
> Qt Creator, however, I don't understand how to "customize everything" like
> in DiffusionImagingApp. In the example. in the source directory
> src/internal I find "QmitkWelcomeScreenViewControls.ui", and in my
> Project Template I do not have any .ui file so that modify the Welcome
> Layout. Should I create and add it in the folders and files as in the
> Diffusion Imaging App? How could I do it from the Qt Creator?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Regards,
> RocÃo
> 2017-05-16 2:51 GMT+02:00 Dinkelacker, Stefan <
> ***@dkfz-heidelberg.de>:
> Hi,
> it's the project settings in Qt Creator. The one where you can set the
> application that is run by default when pressing the run button. You can
> easily customize the Workbench. You will only see the plugins that you
> switch on in CMake (regarding the developer tutorial, binary directory in
> CMake GUI set to MITK-pt-sb/MITK-superbuild/MITK-build). You also have
> the option to go further and customize like everything with your own
> Workbench-based app including your own perspectives (arrangement of
> plugins), own welcome screen and customized window title. There's an
> example at [1].
> Best,
> Stefan
> [1] https://github.com/MITK/MITK/tree/master/Plugins/org.mit
> k.gui.qt.diffusionimagingappâ
> ------------------------------
> *Von:* LOPEZ VELAZCO, ROCIO <***@upf.edu>
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 15. Mai 2017 18:12
> *An:* mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Betreff:* [mitk-users] Customize Project
> Hello,
> I am new to MITK development. I would like to create a customize
> Application, only with some plugins. I wonder if I can change the User
> Interface so that I customize the welcome layout so that having fewer
> things? I am sure I can do that but I don't know from where... I have
> downloaded and built the Project Template and it works perfectly.
> Also, in section "Using QtCreator with the MITK Project Template
> <http://mitk.org/wiki/Developer_Tutorial_%28Ubuntu%29>", when you say "In
> the project settings", where should I look for that project settings?
> cmake?
> Thank you very much in advance.
> Best Regards,
> RocÃo López