Actually I first tried to copy the external files you talked about into the Sofa source directory which is created during MITK build. This also allows to match the paths written in the .scn files (even though it may be less convenient than directly correcting the paths).
But this was indeed what was causing trouble, so thanks for the solution.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan Kislinskiy" <***@Dkfz-Heidelberg.de>
To: "Camille Krewcun" <***@orange.fr>
Cc: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Mardi 17 Janvier 2017 12:38:59
Subject: RE: Simulation plugin use case
This is the same default scene as in older SOFA versions. However, most of the example scenes of SOFA rely on hard-coded magic to find external files like the textures and meshes for the snake and pole. To get these example scenes running, you have to open them in a text editor and correct the paths to these resources (relative to the scn file or absolute).
-----Original Message-----
From: Camille Krewcun [mailto:***@orange.fr]
Sent: Donnerstag, 12. Januar 2017 15:42
To: Kislinskiy, Stefan
Subject: Re: Simulation plugin use case
Hello Stefan,
Thanks for your answer ! Actually I did try to open a SOFA scene (.scn) file in the workbench, but this led to a memory access error (therefore I wasn't sure that I was using the plugin correctly).
I tried to open a simpler .scn file and everything worked well.
However I still can't open the file I was first trying to open (caduceus.scn), which is the default scene displayed when using version 16.08 of SOFA. I noticed that the SOFA sources downloaded by default when compiling MITK simulation plugin indicate version 1.0 in their headers. I'm investigating to see if my problem could come from incompatibility issues between the version 16.08 scene file and the version 1.0 sources.
Have you encountered such a case before ?
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Camille Krewcun" <***@orange.fr>
To: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Mercredi 11 Janvier 2017 12:05:28
Subject: Simulation plugin use case
Hello everyone,
I would like to make use of MITK simulation plugin, at first in a simple scenario.
I downloaded the 2016.03.0 release sources and compiled successfully (including the simulation plugin), but when I launch MitkWorkbench and click the simulation icon, all interactions in the displayed menu are disabled.
I couldn't find in the documentation a simple use case related to this simulation plugin. Is there such a use case somewhere that I missed ?
Best regards,