[mitk-users] Slow DICOM loading
Tyler Bradshaw
2017-01-18 19:23:16 UTC
I have MITK 2015.5.2 installed on my Windows PC and loading DICOM series is very fast. When I installed MITK 2015.5.2 (or 2016.03.0) on my Windows laptop, loading DICOMs was painfully slow - probably 20 times slower than on my PC. It takes several minutes to load a DICOM series, which is not practical for regular use. But it's not just my computers, I've recommended MITK to several colleagues, and more than half of them have experienced the extremely slow loading times. Any idea what's going on? I would like for more of my lab to be able to migrate to MITK.

Other info:
-I'm primarily using PET and CT DICOM images
-My PC: i7-6700 CPU, 32 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card
-My laptop: i-5 CPU, 8 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, integrated graphics

Kislinskiy, Stefan
2017-01-19 05:19:10 UTC
Hi Tyler,

as we never experienced such delays when loading data from the local disk, all I can guess is that you are maybe loading your DICOM images from an external/network drive or query/retrieve them which can make huge differences on different network connections of course. You can check the resource monitor of your OS to get an idea of the system component that seems to be the bottleneck. Another possibility is the size of your data in case it doesn't fit into RAM, which seems to be the most noticeable difference in the specs you posted. RAM should be at least twice the size of the uncompressed (!) data to prevent swapping. Anyways, this should also be easily identifiable in the resource monitor.


Von: Tyler Bradshaw <***@wisc.edu>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017 20:23
An: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Betreff: [mitk-users] Slow DICOM loading

I have MITK 2015.5.2 installed on my Windows PC and loading DICOM series is very fast. When I installed MITK 2015.5.2 (or 2016.03.0) on my Windows laptop, loading DICOMs was painfully slow - probably 20 times slower than on my PC. It takes several minutes to load a DICOM series, which is not practical for regular use. But it's not just my computers, I've recommended MITK to several colleagues, and more than half of them have experienced the extremely slow loading times. Any idea what's going on? I would like for more of my lab to be able to migrate to MITK.

Other info:
-I'm primarily using PET and CT DICOM images
-My PC: i7-6700 CPU, 32 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card
-My laptop: i-5 CPU, 8 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, integrated graphics

Urban Simoncic
2017-01-19 09:36:19 UTC

problem with extremely slow DICOM loading is not new. I reported that a
year and half ago (Subject: "DICOM support in MITK 2015.05", date
26.7.2015), but problem persists, so I have two versions of MITK:
2014.10.00 for DICOM loading and the newest version for everything else.
But honestly, also certain versions of Slicer have the same problem on
my computer (I do not remember which ones, as I tested Slicer two years
ago), so I would guess the problem is not related to MITK, but to GDCM
or DCMTK or whatever is used for DICOM support. Anyway, I hope that this
is solved once in near future. For sure, the problem is not with
hardware, but with software. If problem was hardware-related, it would
be the same with all versions.

Post by Kislinskiy, Stefan
Hi Tyler,
as we never experienced such delays when loading data from the local disk, all I can guess is that you are maybe loading your DICOM images from an external/network drive or query/retrieve them which can make huge differences on different network connections of course. You can check the resource monitor of your OS to get an idea of the system component that seems to be the bottleneck. Another possibility is the size of your data in case it doesn't fit into RAM, which seems to be the most noticeable difference in the specs you posted. RAM should be at least twice the size of the uncompressed (!) data to prevent swapping. Anyways, this should also be easily identifiable in the resource monitor.
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017 20:23
Betreff: [mitk-users] Slow DICOM loading
I have MITK 2015.5.2 installed on my Windows PC and loading DICOM series is very fast. When I installed MITK 2015.5.2 (or 2016.03.0) on my Windows laptop, loading DICOMs was painfully slow - probably 20 times slower than on my PC. It takes several minutes to load a DICOM series, which is not practical for regular use. But it's not just my computers, I've recommended MITK to several colleagues, and more than half of them have experienced the extremely slow loading times. Any idea what's going on? I would like for more of my lab to be able to migrate to MITK.
-I'm primarily using PET and CT DICOM images
-My PC: i7-6700 CPU, 32 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card
-My laptop: i-5 CPU, 8 GB RAM, SSD hard drive, integrated graphics
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Tyler Bradshaw
2017-01-19 17:01:15 UTC
Thanks Urban and Stefan,

I just checked resource manager on my colleague's computer who has the same problem with MITK (I do not have my laptop with me). Neither the CPU, memory, nor disk I/O were close to being maxed out when trying to read the DICOM images from disk (I tested it with a 30 MB data set). In fact, reading .nrrd of the same images was very fast. Urban, I do not think it is just a software issue, as I have the same software version installed on my PC and loading DICOM images is very fast. Another colleague of mine can likewise load DICOM images very fast on his computer. It appears to be some combination of software and hardware.



-----Original Message-----
From: Urban Simoncic [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2017 3:36 AM
To: mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [mitk-users] Slow DICOM loading


problem with extremely slow DICOM loading is not new. I reported that a year and half ago (Subject: "DICOM support in MITK 2015.05", date 26.7.2015), but problem persists, so I have two versions of MITK:
2014.10.00 for DICOM loading and the newest version for everything else.
But honestly, also certain versions of Slicer have the same problem on my computer (I do not remember which ones, as I tested Slicer two years ago), so I would guess the problem is not related to MITK, but to GDCM or DCMTK or whatever is used for DICOM support. Anyway, I hope that this is solved once in near future. For sure, the problem is not with hardware, but with software. If problem was hardware-related, it would be the same with all versions.

Post by Kislinskiy, Stefan
Hi Tyler,
as we never experienced such delays when loading data from the local disk, all I can guess is that you are maybe loading your DICOM images from an external/network drive or query/retrieve them which can make huge differences on different network connections of course. You can check the resource monitor of your OS to get an idea of the system component that seems to be the bottleneck. Another possibility is the size of your data in case it doesn't fit into RAM, which seems to be the most noticeable difference in the specs you posted. RAM should be at least twice the size of the uncompressed (!) data to prevent swapping. Anyways, this should also be easily identifiable in the resource monitor.
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2017 20:23
Betreff: [mitk-users] Slow DICOM loading
I have MITK 2015.5.2 installed on my Windows PC and loading DICOM series is very fast. When I installed MITK 2015.5.2 (or 2016.03.0) on my Windows laptop, loading DICOMs was painfully slow - probably 20 times slower than on my PC. It takes several minutes to load a DICOM series, which is not practical for regular use. But it's not just my computers, I've recommended MITK to several colleagues, and more than half of them have experienced the extremely slow loading times. Any idea what's going on? I would like for more of my lab to be able to migrate to MITK.
-I'm primarily using PET and CT DICOM images -My PC: i7-6700 CPU, 32
GB RAM, SSD hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card -My laptop: i-5 CPU, 8 GB
RAM, SSD hard drive, integrated graphics
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