[mitk-users] How can I generate custom project docs in MSVC
Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
2017-04-17 13:58:03 UTC

When I compile MITK-ProjectTemplate using Linux I can see an item named
"The Awesome Example Plugin" in my app Help-Contents view. However if I
use the same template in Windows using MSVC 2013 that item is missing.
The documentation generated directory inside MITK-ProjectTemplate-
is missing.
How can I generate project documentation?
Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
: Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso : Email: ***@dia.uned.es :
: Dpto. de Inteligencia Artificial : Tel: (+34) 91-398-7144 :
: Univ. Nac. de Educacion a Distancia : Fax: (+34) 91-398-9382 :
: Juan del Rosal, 16 - 3ª : :
: E-28040 Madrid SPAIN : http://www.ia.uned.es/~jmcuadra:
Aurélien Labrosse
2017-04-17 19:00:48 UTC

Do you have the Doxygen tool installed -and detected- in your Windows

Post by Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
When I compile MITK-ProjectTemplate using Linux I can see an item named
"The Awesome Example Plugin" in my app Help-Contents view. However if I
use the same template in Windows using MSVC 2013 that item is missing.
The documentation generated directory inside MITK-ProjectTemplate-
is missing.
How can I generate project documentation?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Pollen Metrology
Pollen Metrology

Aurélien Labrosse
Co Founder - VP of product and Engineering
9 rue du Rocher de Lorzier – 38430 Moirans – France
Office: +33 (0)476657121

www.pollen-metrology.com <http://www.pollen-metrology.com/> youtube

Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
2017-04-18 10:26:38 UTC

I have Doxygen installed in my Windows machine. It appears in start
menu, I can launch it from a console typing doxygen. Installed MITK
plugins user manuals are generated and they appear in my app Help-
Contents view, see attached figure. MSVC solution for MITK-project-
template contains a project named doc. If I build that project, API
docs are generated and the plugin manual is generated also. But this
manual can not be accessed from my app Help-Contents view.

Jose Manuel
Post by Aurélien Labrosse
Do you have the Doxygen tool installed -and detected- in your Windows
Post by Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
When I compile MITK-ProjectTemplate using Linux I can see an item named
"The Awesome Example Plugin" in my app Help-Contents view. However if I
use the same template in Windows using MSVC 2013 that item is missing.
The documentation generated directory inside MITK-ProjectTemplate-
is missing.
How can I generate project documentation?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
 Aurélien Labrosse Co Founder - VP of product and Engineering
9 rue du Rocher de Lorzier – 38430 Moirans – France
Office: +33 (0)476657121
: Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso : Email: ***@dia.uned.es :
: Dpto. de Inteligencia Artificial : Tel: (+34) 91-398-7144 :
: Univ. Nac. de Educacion a Distancia : Fax: (+34) 91-398-9382 :
: Juan del Rosal, 16 - 3ª : :
: E-28040 Madrid SPAIN : http://www.ia.uned.es/~jmcuadra:
Yann Zimmermann
2017-04-18 11:45:50 UTC
Hello Jose Manel,

You can try to add "find_package(Doxygen)" in your project
CMakeLists.txt as i suggest it here: https://phabricator.mitk.org/D42

Hope this helps,
Yann Zimmermann

Yann Zimmermann – Project Manager
9 rue du Rocher de Lorzier – 38430 Moirans – France
Office: +33 (0)476657121

------ Message d'origine ------
De: "Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso" <***@dia.uned.es>
À: "Aurélien Labrosse" <***@pollen-metrology.com>;
"mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net >> 'mitk-***@lists.sourceforge.net'"
Envoyé : 18/04/2017 12:26:38
Objet : Re: [mitk-users] How can I generate custom project docs in MSVC
Post by Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
I have Doxygen installed in my Windows machine. It appears in start
menu, I can launch it from a console typing doxygen. Installed MITK
plugins user manuals are generated and they appear in my app Help-
Contents view, see attached figure. MSVC solution for MITK-project-
template contains a project named doc. If I build that project, API
docs are generated and the plugin manual is generated also. But this
manual can not be accessed from my app Help-Contents view.
Jose Manuel
Post by Aurélien Labrosse
Do you have the Doxygen tool installed -and detected- in your Windows
Post by Jose Manuel Cuadra Troncoso
When I compile MITK-ProjectTemplate using Linux I can see an item named
"The Awesome Example Plugin" in my app Help-Contents view. However if I
use the same template in Windows using MSVC 2013 that item is missing.
The documentation generated directory inside MITK-ProjectTemplate-
is missing.
How can I generate project documentation?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards,
Aurélien Labrosse Co Founder - VP of product and Engineering
9 rue du Rocher de Lorzier – 38430 Moirans – France
Office: +33 (0)476657121