[mitk-users] add VMTK to project
Admin Uniapp
2017-03-07 17:30:39 UTC
Dear all,

I managed to change the MITK cmakes to include VMTK in the build directory,
and rebuild MITK. It all turned out to be OK and compiled fine. I then
tried to use the VMTK headers in my custom plugin, the headers can be
included and are found fine but as soons as I try to use them I can't
compile my project anymore. For example:


#include <vmtk/vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines.h>

vtkSmartPointer<vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines> ctrLine =

This would give me:

error: undefined reference to `vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines::New()'

at build time. I checked the ep directory and I can see vmtk libraries
have been built but I think

there is a linking problem between ep of MITK and my plugin.

This is driving me crazy :) any help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks

Dinkelacker, Stefan
2017-03-07 19:34:15 UTC
Hi Dora,

do you use the mitk_create_plugin() macro? - Then just add a PACKAGE_DEPENDS VMTK to the call. See other plugin CMakeLists.txt files for examples, like [1].


[1] https://github.com/MITK/MITK/blob/master/Plugins/org.mitk.gui.qt.diffusionimaging/CMakeLists.txt#L7?

Von: Admin Uniapp <***@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. März 2017 18:30
Betreff: [mitk-users] add VMTK to project

Dear all,

I managed to change the MITK cmakes to include VMTK in the build directory, and rebuild MITK. It all turned out to be OK and compiled fine. I then tried to use the VMTK headers in my custom plugin, the headers can be included and are found fine but as soons as I try to use them I can't compile my project anymore. For example:


#include <vmtk/vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines.h>

vtkSmartPointer<vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines> ctrLine = vtkSmartPointer<vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines>::New();

This would give me:

error: undefined reference to `vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines::New()'

at build time. I checked the ep directory and I can see vmtk libraries have been built but I think

there is a linking problem between ep of MITK and my plugin.

This is driving me crazy :) any help is highly appreciated.

Many thanks

Admin Uniapp
2017-03-07 20:55:03 UTC
Hi Stefan,

Thanks this fixed the issue. I was adding it under DEPENDS and not

DEPENDS MitkQtWidgetsExt MitkQtWidgets MitkAlgorithmsExt MitkCore


all the best.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 7:34 PM, Dinkelacker, Stefan <
Post by Dinkelacker, Stefan
Hi Dora,
do you use the mitk_create_plugin() macro? - Then just add a
PACKAGE_DEPENDS VMTK to the call. See other plugin CMakeLists.txt files for
examples, like [1].
[1] https://github.com/MITK/MITK/blob/master/Plugins/org.mitk.
Gesendet: Dienstag, 7. MÀrz 2017 18:30
Betreff: [mitk-users] add VMTK to project
Dear all,
I managed to change the MITK cmakes to include VMTK in the build
directory, and rebuild MITK. It all turned out to be OK and compiled fine.
I then tried to use the VMTK headers in my custom plugin, the headers can
be included and are found fine but as soons as I try to use them I can't
#include <vmtk/vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines.h>
vtkSmartPointer<vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines> ctrLine = vtkSmartPointer<
error: undefined reference to `vtkvmtkPolyDataCenterlines::New()'
at build time. I checked the ep directory and I can see vmtk libraries
have been built but I think
there is a linking problem between ep of MITK and my plugin.
This is driving me crazy :) any help is highly appreciated.
Many thanks